Jenny Lawton

No Time For Tea

The tea ceremony is a 400-year-old ritual for serving green tea. But in Japan’s techno-centric society (increasingly fueled by coffee) can the tea ceremony survive? Studio 360’s Jenny Lawton talked with tea masters, old and young. (Originally aired: January 30, 2009)

The World


Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Aha Moment: To Kill a Mockingbird

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Aha Moment: e.e. cummings

Conflict & Justice
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Lifestyle & Belief
The World

No Time For Tea

Arts, Culture & Media

The tea ceremony is a 400-year-old ritual for serving green tea. But in Japan’s techno-centric society (increasingly fueled by coffee) can the tea ceremony survive? Studio 360’s Jenny Lawton talked with tea masters, old and young.

The World

Aha Moment: Robert Frank

Arts, Culture & Media

As a security guard at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Jason Eskenazi was used to directing visitors to the restrooms. But keeping watch at an exhibit of Robert Frank’s photography project “The Americans,” Eskenazi turned his life around. Produced by Studio 360’s Jenny Lawton.

The World

Mamet’s ‘Race’

Conflict & Justice

Ads for David Mamet’s new play proclaim it his “most explosive four-letter word yet.” Mamet has always courted controversy on hot-button issues. “Race”, now on Broadway, is about a diverse team of lawyers defending a white man accused of raping a black woman. Kurt sees the show with Hilton Als, theater critic for The New […]

The World

Aha Moment: John Zorn with a Schmear

Niki Russ Federman, fourth generation of the smoked fish dynasty Russ & Daughters, resisted joining the family business. She explains why she owes her career choice to hipster klezmorim and the musician-composer John Zorn.

The World


Arts, Culture & Media

Newcomer Gabourey Sidibe has been getting a lot of attention for her performance in the title role in the new film, “Precious.” Studio 360’s Jenny Lawton finds out what it’s like for Sidibe to ride this wave of acclaim for a part that had her exploring the very depths of despair in the life of […]