
President Trump caused headlines after referring to group of Latino immigrants as "animals" on Wednesday. He said he was only referring to members of the gang MS-13.

President Trump’s ‘animals’ comment points to a dark history of using dehumanizing language

Conflict & Justice

The terms President Trump has used to describe a group of Latino immigrants can have serious societal consequences.

Red police tape and a photograph are seen on the front door of the appartment of Mireille Knoll in Paris, France, March 27, 2018.

After French Holocaust survivor’s murder, politics takes to the streets

In this Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 photo, Thai and Burmese fishing boat workers sit inside a cell at the compound of a fishing company in Benjina, Indonesia. The imprisoned men were considered slaves who might run away. They said they lived on a few bites of

The seafood you eat may have been caught by slaves


Accused war criminal Goran Hadzic captured

Slideshow: Slave Burial Ground in the Atlantic

Arts, Culture & Media

Alan Cheuse on ‘Song of Slaves in the Desert’

Arts, Culture & Media

A new novel called “Song of Slaves in the Desert” centers on a slave family and its owners, who are Jewish. It’s written by Alan Cheuse, the novelist, George Mason University professor, and books reviewer for NPR’s All Things Considered.

Re-Thinking the American Bully

Arts, Culture & Media

To discuss the modern day bully, we turn to Elizabeth Englander, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center.

The World

When kids are bullies, are their parents to blame?

Lifestyle & Belief

When we talk about bullying at school, we usually hear about it from the victim’s perspective. But what is the role played by the parents of the bullying children?

The World

Free At Last? The Senate Apologizes for Slavery

Global Politics

150 years after the Civil War, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution to apologize for the nation’s history of slavery. For his thoughts on who this resolution really helps, The Takeaway turns to David Wall Rice, professor of psychology at Morehouse College.

The World

Doctors to Schools: It’s Your Job to Prevent Bullying


In July, the American Academy of Pediatrics will come out with a new statement on how to prevent childhood bullying suggesting that schools encourage children to reach out to victims and isolate bullies. Study author Dr. Robert Sege joins us.